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Kitsune Arashi

A member registered Mar 11, 2022

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(1 edit)

Aww man I got blueballed for reading the updated wolf daddy route

Oh yeah just lil bit of recommendation but I hope you would focus on completing some routes before adding new routes considering it'll be painful to update several routes and keep adding new one.


28 days ago wooo
where da update...

Like the way this treated, it's can be chaos and not chaos lol


.... wow, 9 likes and 11 dislikes

Any good route with big cat? not sure if I skipped something but all routes goes to kangaroo. 

other than this question, keep going man, love da story :3

mmm... yes panther

Just played the game. and I guess I'll leave the review(Only played Tyson route for now)
Warning : This contain spoiler and a lot of personal opinion.

At first for inserting name, I thought it for mc name so I just put the first character that mc interact with , just to mess around and PFFTTTT, I love that interaction, I happen to repeat to input any characters name that appear  until Liam and Betson which don't really give any special interaction, kinda sad but still NICE easter egg. I happen to pick Dean first because well, he's look better with mc compare to other and then Tyson come up , CHANGE SHIP WE GOING TYSON ROUTE , I mean the mc bring him and u gonna leave him alone? HELL NAH. I like how u make him stay in character and change him slowly, like how he's... *cough"* dumdum but caring a lot, does he's a tsundere type? H M M, anyway when It start pathing to path c(Because I don't know the pass yet), I think huh 2 characters dead but not Tyson, I save the game before the vault insert and after the 'incident', I happen to unlock the vault and go to path A, but I going back to path C, with in mind planning to get BAD ENDING but with Tyson Alive only #OnlyTyson , and oh man I regret it so much. Back to path A we go, when the questioning Oswin happen, I couldn't ask anything, I guess I'm too dumb, been writing a lot and man, it not working, hell I also ask "Theodore" but well I guess it doesn't matter. The whole backstory with mc,dad, and Tyson is heartwarming, I kinda want a full backstory mode with them only, just to feel more heartbreaking knowing the result what gonna happen *cry*. I also love how mc just anxious about the whole thing like in day 6 will happen again which is well, it totally not easy to forget, also love how it go back to the question Hoss/Tyson which is I think quite nice, and the whole pie thingy. It make ya feel the choice u made have impact even tho not much I believe.  I guess that all I gonna say related to Tyson route, now talking about other.
I seen a Liam sprites and why he have sprites when he contribute like almost nothing? also Oswin, Betson, and Orlando's dad sprites look different compare to other, I mean other are just looking at ya with half legs gone, and they appear to have full sprites which is not consistent(Also it make Betson look smaller compare to other, IDK if he really small compare to other characters). Also the whole CG, I seen the early days it have colors and the latest days is... colorless, Personally I don't mind about it, Hell I prefer the colorless CG, just preference. Curious what's actually happen because of the inconsistent.
Other thing I wanna mention. the ost remind me of minecraft not sure why. Overall I think very good game. Not expecting this much content.
Side talk, long time ago I wanted to play this game but change mind because I scared if I'm too dumb to realize what the password are from reading the comment, but it actually not that hard when we actually pay attention at the time the incident will happen. Also.... where auto button? and also where I could buy the keychain? I wanted to buy the Tyson one If I have enough money. That's all my overall review for now. Hope the creator could answer some of my questions. Wish u the best Creator.


short, pretty charming with the style, love it. wish we could a sequel or something considering I would love to know their backstory together >w<. Thx for making this game!

For me it's the opposite, I'm the werewolf lmfao